– Improve skin texture & smoothness
– Plump the skin
– Reduce & soften fine lines & wrinkles
– Increase jawline definition, improve jowls
– Create a more youthful looking face, neck & upper chest
– Improve skin laxity on the abdomen, thighs, arms, knees and buttocks
– Reduce the appearance of cellulite and stretch marks
– Rejuvenate by stimulating increased collagen production in the upper, middle, and deep dermis of your skin
As people age, the skin ages too, losing its natural collagen and elasticity. Until recently, surgical procedures were the only option for truly relieving this concern. However, Sciton’s advanced technology allows for a new way to address sagging skin without the need for significant downtime associated with surgery. It’s called SkinTyte, and it can be used anywhere on the face, neck, or body!
The Skin Tyte treatment uses selective thermolysis and broadband light technology to deeply heat your skin while cooling and protecting the entire treated surface. Skin Tyte can be provided quickly and comfortably with no downtime. The end result is a more youthful appearance.