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Blog Healthswap Austin, TX | Body Tonic Medical Spa And Wellness

We all have our vices. Healthy living, along with feeling and looking our best, has everything to do with developing healthy habits. It’s easy to fall into unhealthy ones. With work, kids, stress… life is sometimes easiest when we take the path of least resistance. Doing the things that we’re used to or that bring us comfort will always be our go-to unless we force a much needed change. Oftentimes we don’t even recognize how unhealthy it truly is, it’s just a part of our daily routine. Fast food, skipping workouts, a glass of wine, a sugary breakfast or dessert, or maybe even a quick vape… but only when it’s the weekend or it’s been a challenging day *wink wink*.

The cumulative effect of these ultimately take a toll on our bodies. Days turn into weeks, and so on. Today I challenge you to take a baby step towards empowerment. Make a healthy swap for one of your vices for 7 days. Whatever that vice might be, do it for the full 7 days.

Here are some suggestions:

  • Daily Soda or Diet Coke for Sparkling Water
  • Fast food or drive thru’s for meal prep and whole foods
  • Glass of wine for herbal tea
  • Snacking before bedtime for meditation and breath work
  • Salty chips or crackers for carrots & hummus
  • Sugary, carb loaded dessert for high quality dark chocolate
  • Energy drink for kombucha or green tea
  • White or wheat bread for Ezekiel bread
  • Complaining or sulking for daily positive affirmations
  • Skipping your workout for setting your alarm an hour earlier to move your body
  • Couch or sofa time after dinner for a short digestive walk
  • Mindless social media scrolling for a 30 minute sweat session or weight lifting

Changing one unhealthy habit will help us change another, and the cumulative effect of that is life changing. We all need a little reminder that we can always do better. Our bodies, our families, and love ones deserve to have the very best of us. Pain-free, disease-free, and stress-free living can begin with a single choice. What will yours be?

Here’s our staff swaps:


✅ Glass of wine for herbal tea

✅ Skipping your workout for setting your alarm an hour earlier to move your body


✅ After dinner walk instead of lounging


✅ Skipping your workout for setting your alarm an hour earlier to move your body


✅ After dinner walk vs social media scrolling


✅ Meal prep vs fast food


✅ After dinner walk vs lounging or social media


✅ Skipping your workout for setting your alarm an hour earlier to move your body


✅ Skipping your workout for setting your alarm an hour earlier to move your body

We all did so good!

I have to admit… this was a difficult challenge for us. It was a travel week for much of the staff for training, one surgery, weather conflicts (we finally got some evening and afternoon showers), and of course football games! Life will always throw curveballs, but as long as you keep making an effort, taking baby steps, and be kind to yourself up after a mess up, this will undoubtedly get easier. It’s a great feeling and very emotionally empowering to accomplish goals like this for yourself.

Keep up the good work and remember, slow and steady wins the race.

💚 set goals

💚 adopt sustainable habits

💚 be consistent

Share your challenge with us!!



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