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Apples to Apples: Comparing Xeomin, Dysport, and Botox

Xeomin, Dysport and Botoxin Austin, TX | Body Tonic Medical Spa And Wellness

This blog was originally posted in 2014, the year I started at Body Tonic Rx, and also the year we began offering Xeomin (and I believe we had only just started offering Dysport that same year). Botox prices were $10/unit and our schedules weren’t booked out months. A lot has changed since then! In the seven years since this was written, Xeomin and Dysport have received a lot more brand recognition, and while people used to exclusively want Botox, we now see a much more balanced spectrum of product usage. Many clients even have their own favorite and request it when they make their appointment.

Here’s the updated blog:

A friend recently said to me, Hey I heard of this thing called Dysport. Is that new?

Me: No. And there’s Xeomin too. It’s like Botox. They’re all the same.

Are they all really the same though? Yes is the short answer. The long answer is this blog!

The Similarities

Botox, Dysport, and Xeomin are all botulinum toxin type A, and they originate from the same source bacterium: clostridium botulinum. Each has been consistently proven in clinical trials and has been used worldwide in cosmetic procedures. All three can be injected every three to six months, and results are generally the same. These neurotoxins temporarily paralyze the targeted muscle areas to relax, which in turn lessens the appearance of wrinkles in the overlaying skin. A good example of how to conceptualize these three different neurotoxins: think of apples. There are differences among Fuji, Gala, and Red Delicious, but they are still all apples.

The Differences

There are some unique qualities to each, and it’s best to know as much as you can about what you’re injecting into your face!

Let’s start with Xeomin first. Why? Because it’s the newest to enter the U.S. market, and because it has a cool name: Xeomin. I love words that start with X:)


  • Has been in use in the US since 2010
  • Has been used worldwide since 2005
  • Has no proteins surrounding the molecule or additives

What makes it slightly different is that it is a purified neurotoxin. It is referred to as a ‘naked’ molecule because there are no additive surface proteins, just the botulinum toxin.

This means is that it is less likely to cause any adverse effects such as allergic reactions and the body is less likely to become resistant to this pure-form injectable. Some patients have developed antibodies to Botox and Dysport which leads to their bodies rejecting the treatments.

Our staff loves Xeomin and we use it on ourselves and recommend it to clients daily. Anecdotal evidence also shows results may last longer with this product, although this is not a claim made by the manufacturer.


  • Has been in use in the US since 2009
  • Has been used worldwide since 2009 (although it has been used since 1991 for muscular disorders)
  • May have a quicker onset than Botox or Xeomin
  • Different molecular structure means it may work for people who have built up a Botox immunity

All three of these neurotoxins have a different molecular structure. Because of Dysport’s make-up, it may have a quicker onset (about 2-5 days versus 4-7 days like Botox and Xeomin). This is not a claim made by the manufacturer, but rather is based on patient experiences.

However, there is a recent triple-blind, randomized study of 85 patients that compared the onset time between Botox and Dysport. Conclusion? “Time to improvement showed earlier onset and longer duration of improvement in a higher percentage of individuals with [Dysport] when compared with [Botox].”


  • Has been in use in the US since 2002
  • Has been in use worldwide since 2002 (and used for muscular disorders since 1989)
  • Was the first cosmetic neurotoxin on the market

In a society of brand recognition, many people are most comfortable using Botox because it has been around the longest and is most widely recognized. If you have tried each of these products, you probably already have your own preference: one may seem to give more natural-looking results for you, one may seem to set in faster, or one may seem to last longer. Personally I switch it up now.

Just like Dysport and Xeomin, Botox injections can be performed in a number of locations depending on what results you desire: reduction of lines and wrinkles on the face and neck, brow lift, reduce gummy smiles and sad smiles, minimize dimpled chin, and treat hyperhidrosis and TMJ.

Choosing which of the neurotoxins you want to use will ultimately come down to some slight nuance that makes you prefer one over the others. In our own practice, we have seen similar results and efficacy with all three.

Written by: Beth Birdwell



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